昨日はふたりとも朝食だけしか自宅でとらなかったので食器が少なく、桐の俎板と一緒に水切りカゴのプレートも一緒に洗った。かなり大きなステンレスパンだがLower rackの手前にこの程度のものなら入れて洗える。大きな皿も同様にして洗えるのもASKO食器洗い機の特徴だ。
Tableware is small because we did not take at home only breakfast yesterday, and washed together also plate along with the chopping board of paulownia. It is a large stainless pan quite washable put if they belong to this extent front of the Lower rack. The big dishes in the same manner also is a feature of ASKO dishwasher.
Tableware is small because we did not take at home only breakfast yesterday, and washed together also plate along with the chopping board of paulownia. It is a large stainless pan quite washable put if they belong to this extent front of the Lower rack. The big dishes in the same manner also is a feature of ASKO dishwasher.
Dishwasher Front
Lower rack
MIddle rack
Upper rack
Sinkpia this morning

どちらの機械も決して宣伝している訳ではありません。 住宅建築設計事務所、ゼネコン、デベロッパー、ハウスメーカー、工務店の皆さんはもちろんのこと、これから新築やリフォーム計画でキッチンを考えているユーザーの皆さん、キッチン設計・施工を担当されている皆様に少しでも正しい情報をお伝えしたいと思っています。
Dishwasher and a simple formula to be used in counter top, which is the mainstream in Japan, in the dishwasher built-in type of 45cm width, it is unreasonable that drive each time with each meal, use method that does not lead to eco is bulrush in order to improve a little the reality of Japan.
Spelled the "dishwasher diary of day-to-day," we are tell dishwasher of 60cm width of ASKO company whether willing to improve the living how.
As a result of as a method of garbage disposal, which is a major challenge of kitchen design, I've tried various methods and experience of many years, the use of Sinkpia of comfort which makes us disappear decomposed into "CO2 and water" garbage I have reported the actual situation.
It does not mean touting never even machine either. Of course, everyone of the user who is thinking about kitchen remodeling plan new construction and now, House Architects, General Contractors, Developers, HouseBuilders, the Builders even a little to everybody which is responsible for kitchen design and construction we want to tell the correct information.
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