



Dishwasher and a simple formula to be used in counter top, which is the mainstream in Japan, in the dishwasher built-in type of 45cm width, it is unreasonable that drive each time with each meal, use method that does not lead to eco is bulrush in order to improve a little the reality of Japan, spelled the "dishwasher diary of day-to-day," we are tell dishwasher of 60cm width of ASKO company whether willing to improve the living how.

As a result of as a method of garbage disposal, which is a major challenge of kitchen design, I've tried various methods and experience of many years, the use of Sinkpia of comfort which makes us disappear decomposed into "CO2 and water" garbage I have reported the actual situation.


昨夜は「KEYAKI BUILD.」の内覧会のあと、3次会まで盛り上がってシンデレラタイムとなったので夕食はなく、食器が少ない。

Instead of dinner, dishes less after the sneak preview of "KEYAKI BUILD.", And since it has been Cinderella Time 3 next meeting to excited last night.

Lower rack
 MIddle rack
 Upper rack
 Sinkpia this morning

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