

A dishwasher and diary of day-to-day that began on September 24, 2011 of two years ago, garbage disposal Sinkpia diary I started picked up occasionally from October 23, also has become a valuable asset if you come been writing only this directly below .
Image 's hard to see dark is also a disadvantage because it was taken without the flash anyway when I was at the beginning . Hopefully patience because it made ​​improvements little by little .
I have a question from a variety of people of various thanks .
Under such circumstances , it's wash anything in the dishwasher ? Kitchen basket 's no longer needed from the kitchen such as ? So many questions and also features .
First , it does not wash anything in the dishwasher . I wrote the other day , but should not wash , such as decor of gold and silver , lacquerware , of high-grade ultra-thin wine glass is better . Should not also wash pot or nonstick pan is good .
Now that you have enjoyed the variety of cuisine in the holiday yesterday , we have hand-washing thing pot dishes and did not fit many.
Kitchen basket is also required course. I added an image what I did not wash. Bag of ZIPLOC and PET bottles, and the main body of the ham slicer & knife, colander of bamboo, such as part of the pressure cooker can not wash in the dishwasher. There are many stainless-steel strainer bowl, sum of cooking pottery, such as rice cooker pot which did not fit.
Lower rack
 Middle rack
 Upper rack
That was not already in the dishwasher
 Sinkpia this morning
< 日本国内で主流とされているカウンター上で使う簡易式の食器洗い機 や、45cm巾のビルトインタイプの食器洗い機では、食事のたびにその都度運転するという不合理で、エコにつながらない利用法がまかり通っている国内の実態を少しでも改善するために、「日々の食器洗い機日記」を綴って、ASKO社の60cm巾の食器洗い機がどのように日々のキッチンライフを楽しく快適にしてくれるのかをお伝えしています。

Dishwasher and a simple formula to be used in counter top, which is the mainstream in Japan, in the dishwasher built-in type of 45cm width, it is unreasonable that drive each time with each meal, use method that does not lead to eco is bulrush in order to improve a little the reality of Japan, spelled the "dishwasher diary of day-to-day," we are tell dishwasher of 60cm width of ASKO company whether willing to improve the living how.
As a result of as a method of garbage disposal, which is a major challenge of kitchen design, I've tried various methods and experience of many years, the use of Sinkpia of comfort which makes us disappear decomposed into "CO2 and water" garbage I have reported the actual situation.
It does not mean touting never even machine either.
Of course, everyone of the user who is thinking about kitchen remodeling plan new construction and now, House Architects, General Contractors, Developers, HouseBuilders, the Builders even a little to everybody which is responsible for kitchen design and construction we want to tell the correct information.




Yesterday because it was dinner duty , to make a chicken soup for the first time in a long time, we enjoy the Yakuzen pot . Such as cutting in round slices and pan pot stainless took the soup's plenty to wash once , is the merit of most of this dishwasher .
I was stunned and watching articles that can also be used as cupboard dishwasher interior magazine recently from being written . Such idea also might be born capacity because not enough if you do not wash each time When it is dishwasher 45cm width , but the dishwasher of 60cm width and washable together the dishes one day is not a cupboard . Please use it from back in the cupboard always every morning tableware told me to wash and dry during the night . In order to do so , the position of the dishwasher is very important in the kitchen layout . Be returned to the cupboard near the tableware washing up is because me greatly enhanced the working efficiency of the kitchen .

The after I made the chicken soup , kitchen waste such as herbs vegetables such as green onions will remain . It takes into Sinkpia accept this garbage yesterday to see in the photo .
The inspection is a cleaning in the Sinkpia a week because it is the first time Sunday morning . It is surprised garbage yesterday have been resolved wonderfully.

 Lower rack
 Middle rack
 Upper rack
 Sinkpia last night
 Sinkpia this morning
 And is decomposed fine
< 日本国内で主流とされているカウンター上で使う簡易式の食器洗い機 や、45cm巾のビルトインタイプの食器洗い機では、食事のたびにその都度運転するという不合理で、エコにつながらない利用法がまかり通っている国内の実態を少しでも改善するために、「日々の食器洗い機日記」を綴って、ASKO社の60cm巾の食器洗い機がどのように日々のキッチンライフを楽しく快適にしてくれるのかをお伝えしています。

Dishwasher and a simple formula to be used in counter top, which is the mainstream in Japan, in the dishwasher built-in type of 45cm width, it is unreasonable that drive each time with each meal, use method that does not lead to eco is bulrush in order to improve a little the reality of Japan, spelled the "dishwasher diary of day-to-day," we are tell dishwasher of 60cm width of ASKO company whether willing to improve the living how.
As a result of as a method of garbage disposal, which is a major challenge of kitchen design, I've tried various methods and experience of many years, the use of Sinkpia of comfort which makes us disappear decomposed into "CO2 and water" garbage I have reported the actual situation.
It does not mean touting never even machine either.
Of course, everyone of the user who is thinking about kitchen remodeling plan new construction and now, House Architects, General Contractors, Developers, HouseBuilders, the Builders even a little to everybody which is responsible for kitchen design and construction we want to tell the correct information.




Eating out because it has participated JIDA design seminar was held in Roppongi last night . I 've become a day-to-day eating out most of this week . Pot dishes and less for that .
Sometimes , those that do not wash it with a dishwasher ? I have a question that is , pans and nonstick pan and ceramics , and glass filled with gold decoration and lacquerware can not wash . There is no problem if enough to wash several times position but gold decoration and lacquer will come off when I wash it many times . Teflon layer is polished if I too can wash the Teflon-coated pan , characteristics that can be used to not draw the oil will run out . The lacquered chopsticks of dishwasher correspondence is sold but , as I have discussed in this blog , paint is peeled off and hold wash several months .

I think with the knowledge that you have these , would like to send a comfortable life on the wash clean , Equipment and cooking pots and dishes daily .
 Lower rack
 Middle rack
 Upper rack
 Sinkpia this morning
< 日本国内で主流とされているカウンター上で使う簡易式の食器洗い機 や、45cm巾のビルトインタイプの食器洗い機では、食事のたびにその都度運転するという不合理で、エコにつながらない利用法がまかり通っている国内の実態を少しでも改善するために、「日々の食器洗い機日記」を綴って、ASKO社の60cm巾の食器洗い機がどのように日々のキッチンライフを楽しく快適にしてくれるのかをお伝えしています。

Dishwasher and a simple formula to be used in counter top, which is the mainstream in Japan, in the dishwasher built-in type of 45cm width, it is unreasonable that drive each time with each meal, use method that does not lead to eco is bulrush in order to improve a little the reality of Japan, spelled the "dishwasher diary of day-to-day," we are tell dishwasher of 60cm width of ASKO company whether willing to improve the living how.
As a result of as a method of garbage disposal, which is a major challenge of kitchen design, I've tried various methods and experience of many years, the use of Sinkpia of comfort which makes us disappear decomposed into "CO2 and water" garbage I have reported the actual situation.
It does not mean touting never even machine either.
Of course, everyone of the user who is thinking about kitchen remodeling plan new construction and now, House Architects, General Contractors, Developers, HouseBuilders, the Builders even a little to everybody which is responsible for kitchen design and construction we want to tell the correct information.




The dinner at home for the first time in a long time last night. Price of Sanma fish was higher seemed to have finally settled down, and enjoy the grated radish and plenty of grilled Sanma. I wash in the dishwasher also grill plate. It feels best to wash in the dishwasher still grill plate Arrive smell and oil.
Lower rack
 Middle rack
 Upper rack
 Sinkpia this morning
< 日本国内で主流とされているカウンター上で使う簡易式の食器洗い機 や、45cm巾のビルトインタイプの食器洗い機では、食事のたびにその都度運転するという不合理で、エコにつながらない利用法がまかり通っている国内の実態を少しでも改善するために、「日々の食器洗い機日記」を綴って、ASKO社の60cm巾の食器洗い機がどのように日々のキッチンライフを楽しく快適にしてくれるのかをお伝えしています。

Dishwasher and a simple formula to be used in counter top, which is the mainstream in Japan, in the dishwasher built-in type of 45cm width, it is unreasonable that drive each time with each meal, use method that does not lead to eco is bulrush in order to improve a little the reality of Japan, spelled the "dishwasher diary of day-to-day," we are tell dishwasher of 60cm width of ASKO company whether willing to improve the living how.
As a result of as a method of garbage disposal, which is a major challenge of kitchen design, I've tried various methods and experience of many years, the use of Sinkpia of comfort which makes us disappear decomposed into "CO2 and water" garbage I have reported the actual situation.
It does not mean touting never even machine either.
Of course, everyone of the user who is thinking about kitchen remodeling plan new construction and now, House Architects, General Contractors, Developers, HouseBuilders, the Builders even a little to everybody which is responsible for kitchen design and construction we want to tell the correct information.




Pot dishes and often yesterday because it did not drive the day before yesterday. Still space of vacant because ate dinner lunchbox to return Nagoya business trip yesterday.

Lower rack
Middle rack
Upper rack
Sinkpia this morning
日本国内で主流とされているカウンター上で使う簡易式の食器洗い機 や、45cm巾のビルトインタイプの食器洗い機では、食事のたびにその都度運転するという不合理で、エコにつながらない利用法がまかり通っている国内の実態を少しでも改善するために、「日々の食器洗い機日記」を綴って、ASKO社の60cm巾の食器洗い機が如何に日々のキッチンライフを改善してくれるのかをお伝えしています。

Dishwasher and a simple formula to be used in counter top, which is the mainstream in Japan, in the dishwasher built-in type of 45cm width, it is unreasonable that drive each time with each meal, use method that does not lead to eco is bulrush in order to improve a little the reality of Japan, spelled the "dishwasher diary of day-to-day," we are tell dishwasher of 60cm width of ASKO company whether willing to improve the living how.
As a result of as a method of garbage disposal, which is a major challenge of kitchen design, I've tried various methods and experience of many years, the use of Sinkpia of comfort which makes us disappear decomposed into "CO2 and water" garbage I have reported the actual situation.
It does not mean touting never even machine either.
Of course, everyone of the user who is thinking about kitchen remodeling plan new construction and now, House Architects, General Contractors, Developers, HouseBuilders, the Builders even a little to everybody which is responsible for kitchen design and construction we want to tell the correct information.




Management and union Council of Shibuya apartment, large-scale repair work committee was held Subsequently then, it took until PM9:00 after there is plenty of work to determine the specifications for the renovation last night.
After-prom party and volunteer director in "Gochi" belly so had vacant.
Without the operation of the dishwasher last night tableware was so small it would become AM0:00 too stays out all night for that.
 Lower rack
 Middle rack
 Upper rack
 Sinkpia this morning

日本国内で主流とされているカウンター上で使う簡易式の食器洗い機 や、45cm巾のビルトインタイプの食器洗い機では、食事のたびにその都度運転するという不合理で、エコにつながらない利用法がまかり通っている国内の実態を少しでも改善するために、「日々の食器洗い機日記」を綴って、ASKO社の60cm巾の食器洗い機が如何に日々のキッチンライフを改善してくれるのかをお伝えしています。

Dishwasher and a simple formula to be used in counter top, which is the mainstream in Japan, in the dishwasher built-in type of 45cm width, it is unreasonable that drive each time with each meal, use method that does not lead to eco is bulrush in order to improve a little the reality of Japan, spelled the "dishwasher diary of day-to-day," we are tell dishwasher of 60cm width of ASKO company whether willing to improve the living how.
As a result of as a method of garbage disposal, which is a major challenge of kitchen design, I've tried various methods and experience of many years, the use of Sinkpia of comfort which makes us disappear decomposed into "CO2 and water" garbage I have reported the actual situation.
It does not mean touting never even machine either.
Of course, everyone of the user who is thinking about kitchen remodeling plan new construction and now, House Architects, General Contractors, Developers, HouseBuilders, the Builders even a little to everybody which is responsible for kitchen design and construction we want to tell the correct information.




Work at home all day, pot dishes and often yesterday. Season of the cooking pot is finally beginning because it was the 1st cool in earnest in particular! I thoroughly enjoy cooking pots full of using a different a tagine pot and pan shallow.
Lower rack
 Middle rack
 Upper rack
 Knife rack
 Sinkpia this morning
日本国内で主流とされているカウンター上で使う簡易式の食器洗い機 や、45cm巾のビルトインタイプの食器洗い機では、食事のたびにその都度運転するという不合理で、エコにつながらない利用法がまかり通っている国内の実態を少しでも改善するために、「日々の食器洗い機日記」を綴って、ASKO社の60cm巾の食器洗い機が如何に日々のキッチンライフを改善してくれるのかをお伝えしています。

Dishwasher and a simple formula to be used in counter top, which is the mainstream in Japan, in the dishwasher built-in type of 45cm width, it is unreasonable that drive each time with each meal, use method that does not lead to eco is bulrush in order to improve a little the reality of Japan, spelled the "dishwasher diary of day-to-day," we are tell dishwasher of 60cm width of ASKO company whether willing to improve the living how.
As a result of as a method of garbage disposal, which is a major challenge of kitchen design, I've tried various methods and experience of many years, the use of Sinkpia of comfort which makes us disappear decomposed into "CO2 and water" garbage I have reported the actual situation.
It does not mean touting never even machine either.
Of course, everyone of the user who is thinking about kitchen remodeling plan new construction and now, House Architects, General Contractors, Developers, HouseBuilders, the Builders even a little to everybody which is responsible for kitchen design and construction we want to tell the correct information.