It was a tagine pot snapper more the 2nd, but sprinkled plenty of Granapadano before I boil stew with vegetables in detail the fillet of sea bream marinated in malt, last night to melt the cheese in the lid of the tagine pot have we wait. This is the taste of the best again! !
Smoothie in the morning, are using the Chinese cabbage and bananas and mandarin orange MIKAN instead of orange because it is the season of mandarin orange.
Lower rack
Middle rackUpper rack
Sinkpia this morning

Dishwasher and a simple formula to be used in counter top, which is the mainstream in Japan, in the dishwasher built-in type of 45cm width, it is unreasonable that drive each time with each meal, use method that does not lead to eco is bulrush in order to improve a little the reality of Japan, spelled the "dishwasher diary of day-to-day," we are tell dishwasher of 60cm width of ASKO company whether willing to improve the living how.
As a result of as a method of garbage disposal, which is a major challenge of kitchen design, I've tried various methods and experience of many years, the use of Sinkpia of comfort which makes us disappear decomposed into "CO2 and water" garbage I have reported the actual situation.
It does not mean touting never even machine either.
Of course, everyone of the user who is thinking about kitchen remodeling plan new construction and now, House Architects, General Contractors, Developers, HouseBuilders, the Builders even a little to everybody which is responsible for kitchen design and construction we want to tell the correct information.
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