

昨日は久しぶりにキッチン当番で、ランチのパスタ「ナポリタン」と、夕食のポークとジャガイモとタマネギのワイン煮込みを担当。 最近は料理に取り組む男性が増えているようだが、確かに料理は奥が深く、食べる時の楽しみが加わってこれを趣味とすることは良いことだと思う。 そんな訳で、久しぶりに食器洗い機が満タン。 シンクピアも沢山の生ゴミで一日の処理能力という1kgはかなりオーバーしたと思う。

In the kitchen duty for the first time in a long time, and Pasta "Neapolitan" lunch, yesterday was responsible for wine and onion stewed pork and potatoes for dinner. I think men who recently committed to cooking, but seems to have increased, and the good thing is that you enjoy this as a hobby when and deep, eat the food certainly will join. So, fill a dishwasher for the first time in a long time. I think that the processing capacity of 1kg per day and was over quite a lot of garbage in Sinkpia.
Lower rack
Middle rack
Upper rack

Sinkpia yesterday morning

Sinkpia yesterday dinner
Sinkpia todays morning
Washup sinkpia todays morning

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