

昨日の朝,洗面所の床下からシューッという音がするのに気づいて、設備業者がやってきたのが夕方6時過ぎで、調べたところ電気温水器からの給湯配管に穴が開いてそこから水漏れしていることが判明。バルブを閉めて水漏れを防ぐために夕食の用意ができないので調布パルコの中華レストラン「唐菜(Tang Cai)」で夕食。食器洗い機の運転はできず、手洗になった。

Water leak from the bottom hole is open to hot water supply pipe from the electric water heater where the 6 o'clock pm noticed yesterday morning, whish is to from under the floor of the vanity equipment skilled in the art to have come over, were examined that it turned out.
Dinner "Tang Cai" in Chinese restaurants in Chofu Parco is not ready for dinner in order to prevent water leakage and close the valve. Operation of the dishwasher can not be, it was to hand-washing.
Sinkpia so cleaning the in the shower, the introduction of garbage stop because it can not be properly operated and cut off water supply.
Put it, and do it fetch water in a bucket and use it as necessary supremely inconvenient. Was brought home once again the importance of water.

Sink & Backet water
Handwashed dish & utensils
 Sinkpia this morning

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